Welcome ‘You’!!

This is home!

I welcome you to a valued life. A new facet of life which this blog intends to inform you about, through Christ. I believe most people are living below the value of life which we have in Christ Jesus. This is because, we allow some situations of life to determine the total value of our lives.

Many times, circumstances, standards, people and challenges paint a false picture and make us forget the truth.

This blog seeks to help us renew our minds and to consciously direct us into the knowledge of who we really are and how much we are valued. We will be talking about the beauty in all aspect of our lives and ways we can embrace it . Every week will be refreshing with life valued posts.

I pray our posts meet each and every one of us at our point of need and that it brings hope and light to our lives.

Anchor Scripture: Romans 12 :2 Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God.