When you can’t understand all that is happening around you and you feel tired and lost, remember that your God isn’t a man. His ways aren’t like that of men.

God is not human …

Numbers 23:19 (NIV)

God’s ways are different from that of man and untill He is is done, you won’t understand Him(God).

God has many ways, He isn’t limited to the pattern. He will do something new.

God makes things beautiful and in His own time. Everything He does falls in line perfectly well. He is the creator of the universe.

God has your interest at heart, first He prioritizes your soul and then the rest follows. All His ways for you are to give you a good ending.

You can trust God. He has a track record of keeping to His word. If he has said it, then He will do it. God is happy when His children trust Him. See, He has done it before, He is still doing it so He will do it.

Nothing is too hard for God. He can do anything He wants to do.

God usually blows minds. When he answers, He does so with jaw dropping deeds. He likes to amaze His people.

God loves you so dearly, He doesn’t only want you to be happy, He wants you to be fulfilled, be perfect and strong without any fault. That’s why He works on you everyday. With every correction and ordeal, He makes sure to train you with strength so you become like Him; a weapon against the devil.


keep living the valued life!


