These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:11

There are many people who are walking about as though are alive, but truthfully are dead inside. Such people have little or no joy within them.

Getting married to the man/woman of your dream can make you happy. Getting admission into the university of your choice, or perhaps employment into a reputable company can give you an unfathomable joy.

But what if you are experiencing the exact opposite of all what you have on your good-will wishes. What is the true measure of joy in a man’s life?

According to the Bible, paradoxically, there are some people who proclaim themselves to be rich and have need of nothing, yet are seen by God as wretched, miserable and poor ( Revelations 3:17). And there also some people who are seen by men as poor and going through tribulations, but are seen by God as rich ( Revelations 2:9)

You should understand that many things may try to steal your joy from you. It could be demons, a medical condition, debt, bad dreams, anything at all. But the good news is that, “the word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two edged sward…” (Hebrews 4:12)

One thing I want you to notice in our opening verse is that the only source of true joy is the spoken word of God. We will only experience the tangibility of the fullness of joy when we allow the word of God to speak unto us. And that is where we draw strength from (Nehemiah 8:10)

Enos Afriyie

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