Tell someone about Jesus CHRIST!

Tell someone that he died and rose again.

Tell someone that death could not hold him down, that even in the grave Jesus is Lord.

He died and rose again so that all who may believe in him will also be raised to life.

We have hope because he rose again. We live for Him because we have died with him.

Tell someone that all this is because Jesus loves you. He loves you so much to let you perish.

Please tell someone about Jesus!

But first of all know him. Know him so you can make him known,

Do you know the man who died and rose again to reconcile us to God? If you do, then tell someone about him.

Jesus’ last command before he ascended to heaven was; go into the world , preach the gospel, tell them I love them and tell them I died for them( Mark 16:15). His greatest desire is for you to tell someone about him. That’s why he has placed you where you are. If all Christians around the world would tell someone about Jesus, the world will know Jesus and he will be pleased.


Jesus loves you!