I can boldly say that people are the biggest blessings any man can have after salvation. You can’t buy loyal people, and to have genuine and faithful people around you would only be a blessing from God. People are essential part of life and living, you can’t go far without people, there is a saying that ” if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go far, go with people”.

People may come in the form of family, friends, colleagues, workers, acquaintances, etc. In all these forms, they help make life beautiful.

Nevertheless people can be the problem. They can make life  a living hell because some people can be toxic, wicked and difficult. When you have the wrong people in your life, it can take away blessings, joy and peace and can even destroy your destiny.

What do we do then?

There is no doubt that we all need the right people in our lives but the question is, do you always get to  choose the people in your life? I don’t think we do all the time because sometimes, without a choice, we get the wrong people in our lives and space. The only way to go about this, is to know how best to live with the people in our lives.

It’s a skill you need to master. You need to be wise in living with people, both the ones we get to choose and the ones we don’t get to choose.

Be wise enough to know who stays close and who stays far, how to relate with this and how not to relate to another. Also learn how to treat the people in your life well. Wisdom will teach you the way that leads to life; the valued life.

The wisdom of God will direct you and  help you bear the fruits of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 5: 22-23. These fruits will help you live with people better no matter who they are. It wouldn’t be easy tho.

So when you pray, pray for the people in your life, pray for wisdom to live with each of them and do your best to be a good person and the right person for others too.

People are indeed a blessing but you will need to be intentional and wise with them.

… By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established. ~ Proverbs 24:3
