I will say as believers, faith is our way of life. It is the way we live, our culture. 2 corinthians 5:7 says For we live by faith and not by sight. Which can also mean whoever isn’t living by faith is living by sight. How then can such a person please God, because we can only please God by faith. Trust me, we also receive from God through faith. It is important we live by faith.
In living by faith, we would have to be patient in waiting and hopeful in waiting. Romans 8:25 says, ‘But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently’. Now it is only fair that we know that, faith can also mean……..
1. Understanding God even when he says No. I think sometimes God says no to us. Sometimes for our own good and for the purpose he has for you. Accepting that ‘no’ and still trusting and believing in him only takes faith in God.
2. Trusting God even after losing a dear one or something very valuable. I know most times as believers, we are tempted to blame God for allowing us lose our dear ones. We often ask why we had to go through all the pain of losing a dear one when it could have been avoided. Trusting God that he knows what is best for us, is faith. Job still believed in God even after losing everything. He had faith in God.
3. Trusting in God and relying on God during our tribulations and suffering. Being able to worship, praise and thank him even when things are bad. When Paul said he could do all things through Christ who strengthened him, he was talking about faith. He said in good times or bad times I know I can still stand beacause his faith was in the strength of Christ and not his own.
4. Waiting on God for that answer, that job, that marriage, that healing, that financial breakthrough , that encounter etc. and not growing tired or not doubting. Even when nothing seems to be happening, you know that God is even working in that silence hour because we know that he neither sleeps nor slumber and he is faithful and a rewarder of those that diligently seek him( Hebrews 11:6)
5. Holding on to the promises of God. There are so many promises of God concerning us. Relying on them and believing in them is also faith. Sometimes things don’t work for us because we don’t know what God is saying concerning our situations. We need to know them so we can belive in them and then it can work for us.
6. Being positive minded even in bad times. Yes! All this negative thoughts and discouraging confessions isn’t faith at all. Create positive thoughts and speak them even when things are going bad because we live by faith.
We should know that the only way our faith can grow, is when it is tested. Whenever we pray for an increase in faith, we are always given a platform to exercise our faith. ( James 1:3)
Practising faith in God increases our faith. Knowing the word of God produces faith. Speaking it increases our faith( Romans 10:17).
I believe that our testimonies will continue to inrease as we have chosen to live the faith ‘kinda’ life. Seeing before things happen and hoping for evrything we do not yet have.
And, but my righteous one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back.
Hebrew 10: 38 (NIV)
Which one do you choose to live by, faith or sight?