Category: The Gospel

  • God Has Plans Too!

    Sometimes, just sometimes we forget that God has his own plans too. Just like we make plans to go to school, travel etc. God also has His plans too. He has plans for his creation and as part of his creation he has His own plans for us just as we have for ourselves. Whether…

  • Keep on keeping on! ‘2’

    They say, if there is a man to pray then there is a God to listen. I understand what it feels like to be in the waiting room and I know how frustrating it feels to be praying for one thing over and over again. It looks as if God is really not listening to…

  • Weekly confessions

  • Keep on keeping on …….

    John 14:1“DO NOT let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated). You believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely on God; believe in and adhere to and trust in and rely also on Me.” You may be experiencing or have been in situations where you felt overwhelmed; overwhelmed by the pressures of this…

  • Let’s Pray..

    I understand that we are many days into 2022 but it’s never too late to pray into the rest of the year. I would like us to pray together with one spirit and faith. The prayer My father in heaven thank you for this new year and thank you for my life. I pray for…