An apocalypse is basically a revelation or prophecy of things to happen. It is more like opening up that which was covered. It creates awareness and warns you ahead to stay woke and prepared

The revelation from Jesus Christ to us; the servants of God, is one that must be giving much attention as it reveals what is to come soon( Revelation 1:1).

The letters may have been written to the seven churches then in Asia minor but these letters are so much speaking to us believers and we need to give ear to them. The number ‘7’ is known to represent fullness and completeness. As we know, the 7 spirits of God, represent the fullness of God and the complete manifolds of the holy spirit. To make a full week, we need 7 days. So 7 really does give a sense of fullness and completeness.

We can conclude that, the 7 churches that received the letters represented the fullness and complete church of God( the body of Christ). I Corinthians 12:27 says; For we are the body of Christ, tho one unit but many parts. We are the body of Christ and our primary purpose as a church is to hold fast our testimonies about Jesus. So these warnings are for us; believers.

For 7 weeks, we will take a letter and study what the spirit is saying to us concerning our faith so that we can serve our purpose.

I know that the holy spirit will guide us and help us so we can stay true to our call and hold fast our testimonies about Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Since we have ears, let us not ignore what the spirit is saying to us.

Stay blessed!!!

I introduce to you the THE APOCALYPSES SERIES


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