I want to share with you some lessons I’ve learnt so far with lifevaluedblog.com and I hope that it inspires you.

Exactly a year ago, I published a welcome post on this blog with so much fear and questions. I mean, who am I that someone would want to read from? Am I qualified for this? I had little knowledge on blog, blogging and website. The only reason I posted was because I heard the holy spirit say to me ” start already”.

Sometimes I read old post and I get inspired as if someone else wrote it. It criticizes me, teaches me and encourages me like it would you.

With this, I’ve learnt to just obey God. I’ve learnt that the only way to overcome fear, is to just take one step towards that fear.

Also it is so hard to pour from yourself into anything when you aren’t full, you need to be poured into as well. I’ve learnt to go back to my source to be filled and I thank God for that source.

The bible says we know and prophesy in parts(1 Corinthians 13:9) this explains why the begining of greater things always look blur and as you keep on going, he reveals more to you and it becomes clearer. So, I’ve learnt that God does that to help us. If he reveals every thing to us, it will scare us and we wouldn’t be able to take it. Imagine, if Moses had knew leading the Israelites out of Egypt will take the parting of the red sea, wouldn’t it had been difficult for Moses to believe? I’ve really understood what God meant when he said eyes haven’t seen and ears haven’t heard what He is about to do in our lives( 1Corinthians 2:9).

Finally, I’ve learnt that I need a lot of learning and growing to be able to be that person God expects me to be.

I hope that this blesses you.

Please share this post to bless others and please follow us on Instagram as we live the valued life. God bless you.

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