So today at the children’s service we continued our bible stories on the birth of Isaac. As I was telling the kids the story, something struck me about Abraham and I would like to share  that with you.

The bible says that at the age of 75, God asked Abram to leave his home( Haran) to a place He the Lord would show him, and when he did, he made an altar and sacrificed to God. God received the sacrifice and promised Abraham that he will become a great nation( Genesis 12). Later at 99 years old, God changed Abram’s name to Abraham and at 100 years Abraham had Isaac.( Genesis 17:1-7, 21:1-7).

Did you just realise that it took 25 years for Abraham to have the promised child? During these years  he had Ishmael.

1. Do you have a promise you are holding on to?

2. Would you still wait on God even if you had an Ishmael?

3. How long can you go waiting on God?

Like I told the kids today, God can be trusted so you need to trust Him.

Trust is very important in our relationship with God.  Trusting God is knowing that He will do it in His own time and that he will not fail you. Our waiting on God is an avenue God uses to teach us to trust Him.

As we wait let’s hold on to the promise of God( the word of God). Let’s keep trusting God even though it’s hard and it seems impossible. God can do it even more in the impossible situations. Even when there is n Ishmael, our Isaac will surely come!  Nothing , absolutely NOTHING is too hard for the Lord(Genesis 18:14).

I can say that Abraham’s waiting was hard, he definitely felt like giving up at some point in time but what I can say is God never gave up on him. God kept him going.

God will help you even as you have decided to wait on Him, keep holding on to Him by His word!

We wish all our mothers a happy mother’s day. We love you.