Jesus said this parable in response to the question posed by John’s disciples as to why His disciples do not fast. He replied (Luke 5:34-35) and further said this parable to affirm His teachings on the concept of grace and love. It also indicate how He is shedding new light on the teaching of the Old Testament.

The parable teaches us that you can not mix old religious rituals (the law) with grace and love in Jesus Christ. His disciples were not fasting along with the Pharisees and John’s disciples because they were now under the new covenant of grace. Jesus fulfilled the law; therefore, there is no longer any need to continue with the old rituals.

New wine needs a new wineskin because as the new wine expands during the fermentation process, it stretches the wineskin. An old wineskin will burst under the pressure of new wine. The law can only prevent one from acting in accordance with the wrong desires of his heart. The old wineskin Jesus used referred to someone who is prepared to receive Jesus’ teaching (new wine). The old wineskin is therefore also a symbol of hanging on to the teachings of the law, and one’s own rules of life and habits.

The new wineskin symbolises the fact that the law must be done away with in order to be receptive to the new teaching of Jesus Christ, as new wine. Whoever receives Jesus’ teaching and lives under His authority will achieve his full potential in life: freed from the curse on the law , a life in accordance with God’s commandments, and on the basis of divine love in his heart.

We live under grace and not under law, as believers. Truth!

Enos Afriyie 


  1. How do we get ready to live under grace when the Church denominations have their own laws? Some say we don’t eat meats others don’t eat fish, women sit at back rows, women can’t wear trousers, a woman should cover hair, woman should only keep natural hair. All these they say would made one unrighteous. A clear line should be drawn between living under grace and the Law. The sacrifice of Jesus Christ paid for our sins yesterday, today and tomorrow. Rom 8.1 There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. Rom 8.2 For in Christ Jesus the law of the spirit of life set you free from the law of sin and death…. The righteousness of the law is therefore fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit…

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