Romans 8:12             

Therefore brothers and sisters, we have an obligation but it is not to the flesh, to live according to it.
For if you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live

An obligation is more like a commitment to a responsibility. So mostly if a person is obligated to do something, the person is expected to be responsible for that thing and must be committed to it.

As believers, one of our many obligations is to live by the spirit and not by the flesh.( Galatians 5: 16)

For we know that those who live by the flesh have their minds on things of the flesh.( Romans 8:5). The flesh has sinful desires which wars against the desires of the spirit.( Galatians 5:17)

It is only when you live by the spirit that you can bear the fruits of the spirit.( Galatians 5:25) It is only when you live by the spirit that you can enjoy the spiritual blessings. It is only when you live by the spirit that you can worship God in truth and in spirit. You enjoy a beautiful intimacy with God when you live by the spirit. It is only when you live according to the spirit that you actually live.

Those that live according to the spirit are also led by the spirit of God and those that are led by the spirit of God are the Children of God.( Romans 8:14).

Our obligation as believers is to live by the spirit which also means; to live as children of God, co- heirs with Christ.


A valued life is only achieved by the spirit

Herty Ocran

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