Over the years, I’ve come to understand life in a way I wished my younger self had understood. I have come to appreciate the power of knowledge and importance of having a better understanding of things. Proverbs 2:11 says; wise choices will watch over you. Understanding will keep you safe.

Even though I would have wished I understood earlier, I still believe it isn’t too late to understand now. Today, I would like to share a few here.

To my young self and old self;

You are going to regret not putting in the work and doing your very best for tomorrow. You will come to understand that, today is the day for sowing and tomorrow, for reaping and that what you have today is the harvest of what was sown yesterday. Before it’s too late, do your best today.

You are also going to realise that, it is foolishness to let the fear of what others would say and think of you  stop you from being great rather than lettting it galvanize you to being great. You will regret not putting the fear and shyness aside to chase that good thing you needed to chase.

You are also going to regret  procrastinating that very thing you should have started. Kill whatever is making you procrastinate before it kills your dreams and vission.

Most importantly, dear young self , you will definitely regret not following Jesus, not using your youthful strength in labouring for God and not obeying God. Because God is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. He blesses those who are faithful and who endure to the end even till the fourth generations. To fear the Lord is the wisest decision you can ever make(Proverbs 9:10).

Have a lovely week!




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